Thursday, October 31, 2019
Finicial Evaluation of Techologies Speech or Presentation
Finicial Evaluation of Techologies - Speech or Presentation Example 3. Calculate the Present Worth (that is, the Net Present Value [NPV] of total costs) for each of the technologies for the real discount rates and periods of assessment as specified in the following tables (please present results in this format): 4. Using your answers to question 3, what are the lifecycle costs of both technologies over one lifecycle of technology A at (a) a 5% real discount rate; and (b) a 20% real discount rate. Which technology is preferred on this lifecycle cost basis in each case (a) Calculate the average unit cost of the power in present value terms (in cents/kWh) supplied by each technology over a period of 20 years at a discount rate of 5%. Hint: use the answers from question 3 again to find the NPV of total costs for each technology over 20 years and then divide this amount by the total electricity supplied over this period. 5. Discuss briefly some of points emerging from this analysis of relevance to the financial comparison of sustainable energy supply options (in particular renewable) and current fossil-fuel technologies. New technologies are being developed to replace use of fossil fuels used for power generation. Studies about renewable energies are being done by the authorities if its cost will compensate its use against cost of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels like coal and gas are the most commonly used around the world for power generation. 1. In terms of technology, the average cost per kWh is much higher in Technology B which is 1.41 than 1.10 of A which means fossil energy will be more costly to produce and will be a higher price to consumer to borne. 2. Technology B gives a higher NPV than Technology A for the same 20 year period. A high positive value is an acceptable project proposition, and between two proposals, one having a higher value is
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Igor Stravinsky Essay Example for Free
Igor Stravinsky Essay Igor Stravinsky was among the most influential and versatile composers of the last century. His overwhelming commitment to music and remarkable musical career, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦which spanned the convulsive final years of the Imperial Russia and the social ferment of 1960s America, served to establish Stravinsky not only as the most celebrated composer of his time, but also as one of the defining forces of twentieth-century cultureâ⬠(Wenborn, 1999, p. 10). Born in 1882 to the family of Fyodor Stravinsky, a famous Russian actor and opera singer, Stravinsky grew up in the atmosphere of conservatism and discipline. As his father was a member of Russian cultural elite and had close personal relationships with Turgenev, Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and other talented artists of that epoch, the young Stravinsky and his siblings were surrounded with the music of the most progressive Russian composers, such as Borodin, Glinka, Mussorgsky and Dargomizhsky, since their early childhood. When he was 9, the young Stravinsky started his piano lessons followed by studying harmony, music theory and composition. However, his enthusiasm for developing a career in music was somewhat frustrated by the parents who insisted on Stravinskyââ¬â¢s becoming a lawyer. In 1901 he entered the University of St. Petersburg to study law. A year later, Stravinsky took an opportunity to present his compositions to Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, a leading Russian composer of those times, who lately became Stravinskyââ¬â¢s spiritual parent. Rimsky played an important role in musical development of Stravinsky, and till his death in 1908, he was influencing Stravinskyââ¬â¢s creative style. In 1907, inspired by the works of Rimsky, Stravinsky wrote First Symphony in E Flat Major which was dominated by nationalistic motifs. Along with other compositions (such as Fireworks and The Faun and the Shepherdess), the Symphony attracted the attention of Sergei Diaghilev, a Russian ballet impresario who worked for the Ballets Russes in France. On his request, Stravinsky created his first ballets: The Firebird (1910), Petroushka (1911) and The Rite of Spring (1913). The Russian period in the career evolution of Stravinsky can be characterized by a tendency to use ritual personages, motifs and harmonic formulas of Russian folklore, blended with a lot of dissonances and irregular rhythms. Those years were very important for the formation of musical aesthetics of Stravinsky, which can be defined by vivid imagination and various semantic elements, rhythmic freedom, abundance of variations and ostinati, etc. The next, neoclassic period started in the early 1920s, when Stravinsky moved to France. Together with his wife Ekaterina and their four children, Stravinsky settled down in Nice. He continued composing and traveling with the Ballets Russes, looking for new ideas and themes for his works. In this period, Stravinsky was under the influence of French impressionism of the eighteenth century. In his masterpieces, the composer used to refer to various stylistic models: he mastered the styles of the European baroque (Oedipus Rex, 1927), the techniques of old polyphony (the Symphony of Psalms, 1930), and so on. During the 1930s, Stravinskyââ¬â¢s success as a composer was boosted by his increasing popularity as a brilliant pianist and conductor of his own compositions. In 1934 he became a citizen of France, and a year later he had a series of great performances in the United States crowned by a remarkable concert in the Metropolitan Opera in New York, where Stravinsky conducted his newly created ballet The Card Party. The late 1930s were darkened for Stravinsky by the loss of his wife, mother and elder daughter who died of tuberculosis one after another. In 1939 he moved to the U. S. together with his mistress Vera de Bosset, a dancer at the Ballets Russes. Stravinskyââ¬â¢s compositions of the 1940s (including the Symphony in Three Movements (1945), the Ebony Concerto (1946) and other works) can be characterized by a great stylistic diversity. However, his ballet Orpheus completed in 1947 marked the composerââ¬â¢s return to neoclassical traditions. The opera The Rakes Progress (1951), created in collaboration with W. H. Auden and C. Kallman, is considered to be the apex of Stravinskyââ¬â¢s neoclassical period. The libretto was based on a series of engravings of William Hogarth. Musical context of the opera is based on classic harmonies and a wide palette of tone colors, enriched with surprising rhythmic changes and dissonances. The premiere of the opera took place at the famous La Venice in Italy, and in 1997 this opera was restaged by the Metropolitan Opera. In the early 1950s, being under the influence of such artists as A.à Schoenberg and R. Craft, Stravinsky embarked on using the techniques of Serialism in his compositions. During this final period of his career, the composer was experimenting with the twelve-tone methods (dodecaphony) developed by Schoenberg, as well as working on a great number of songs, cantatas and other small chamber works and pieces of vocal music. Many important compositions of this period are dominated by biblical motifs (Canticum Sacrum (1955), A Sermon, a Narrative, and a Prayer (1961), Abraham and Isaac (1963), etc. ) During the last decade of his life, Stravinsky continued performing and conducting his pieces in the most prestigious concert halls of the U. S. and Europe. He visited the Soviet Union and developed friendly relationships with Soviet leader Nikita Krushchev. Stravinsky was a devoted Orthodox Christian and a great father for his children. The composer died in 1971 and was buried on the cemetery of San Michele, next to the grave of his close friend, Sergei Diaghilev. For his achievements and musical innovations, in 1987 Stravinsky was granted the Grammy Award for Lifetime Achievement (posthumously). Despite great stylistic contrasts, all the works of Stravinsky retain a certain distinctive identity rooted in his Russian origin and the tendency to use his trademark musical elements (such as ostinati, off-rhythms, etc. ) in the majority of his compositions. Stravinsky was a person of an inexhaustible enthusiasm and eagerness to explore new musical horizons and styles. He was a composer of a phenomenal talent and matchless creative originality, who ââ¬Å"â⬠¦revitalized the rhythms of European music and achieved entirely new sonorities and blends of orchestral colorsâ⬠(Columbia Encyclopedia, 2007, p. 46141)
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Assimilation Integration And Multiculturalism
Assimilation Integration And Multiculturalism There are different conceptual frameworks and theoretical models in social sciences to conceptualise and describe the relationship between different people and cultures. In this section, some of the various focal points regarding the process of integration of immigrants and minority groups into their host country or mainstream society will be discussed and used as a springboard for our analysis of the German Sinti and Roma minority integration in to the German society with particular reference to the city of Oldenburg. 2.1. Assimilation Is a term that refers to attempts to incorporate one micro culture into another or efforts to make one group more homogeneous in relation to another. The term first surfaced during colonial times and re-emerged at the turn of the 20th century. The term is used both to refer to colonized peoples when dominant colonial states expand into new territories or alternately, when diasporas of immigrants settle into a dominant state society. Colonized peoples or minority immigrant groups acquire new customs, language, and ideologies through contact and education in the dominant society. Assimilation may involve either a quick or gradual change depending on circumstances. Full assimilation occurs when new members of a society become indistinguishable from older members (Christine I. Bennett, 1995). The term `assimilation has been also used to describe both the model and the process of absorption of people from different countries and different cultures, brought together as the consequence of the migration process. In this context, assimilation is often interpreted as a process of progressive adaptation of leading towards inclusion in the host society whose final outcome should be the disappearance of cultural differences. This unidirectional process is considered the `natural way for migrants to adjust gradually to their new environment by absorbing the values of the dominant culture. The model of assimilation is a precise political strategy which intends to keep the national community as homogeneous as possible by endeavouring to ensure that the same basic values are shared by the whole population (Bolaffi et al. 2003:19). Assimilation refers to giving up of ones own ethnic identity and adopting that of the mainstream society. The American melting pot concept is an example of assimilation. 2.2. Meaning of Integration/Social integration The notion of integration is broadly employed by sociologists and social anthropologists to indicate the process of immigrant adjustment in their destination country and the experiences that could be acquired and shared between the new settlers and the host societies at the various levels of social organization. According to different scholars Integration is a long term and two way process of change that relates both to the that relates both to the conditions for and the actual participation in aspects of life in the given geographical area (Ager and Strang 2008:12). The term integration is considered as the longer-term process through which immigrants or particular social groups become full and equal participants in the various dimensions of society (Gray and Elliott 2001). Integration is also sometimes referred as a multicultural concept that denotes the removal of barriers that segregate human beings. For some writers integration can only happen when tolerance in the form of mutual respect and acceptance occurs on the part of racially and ethnically different groups of human beings (Banks 1994). Integration, in a sociological context, also refers to stable, cooperative relations within a clearly defined social system. It can also be viewed as a process that of strengthening relationships within a social system and of introducing new actors and groups into the system and its institutions. Integration is accepting, recognizing, valuing and celebrating as well as giving equal rights for the participation of minority groups. This means social integration includes analysis of differentiation of ethnic groups action and relations, and of quantitative and qualitative aspects of relational structures (civic and political participation, participation in social networks, involvement in economic, political, cultural life of society, representation at different levels of governance, participation in units and organisations of fellow citizen ( Dimensions of integration According to different social researchers there are four basic dimensions of social integration in which minority groups or immigrants use to integrate to the mainstream society social system. Structural integration Structural integration means the acquisition of rights and the access to position and status in the core institutions of the host society: the economy and labour market, education and qualification systems, the housing system, welfare state institutions (including the health system), and full political citizenship. These are core institutions as participation in them determines a persons socioeconomic status and the opportunities and resources available to them, in a modern market society. Cultural integration Acquire the core competencies of that culture and society. In this respect, integration refers to an individuals cognitive, behavioural and attitudinal change: this is termed cultural integration. While cultural integration primarily concerns the immigrants and their children and grandchildren, it is also an interactive, mutual process one that changes the host society, which must learn new ways of relating to immigrants or minority groups and adapting to their needs. Interactive integration Interactive integration means the acceptance and inclusion of immigrants/minority groups in the primary relationships and social Networks of the host society. Indicators of interactive integration include social networks, friendship, partnerships, marriages and membership in voluntary organizations. Certain core elements of cultural integration, particularly communicative competencies, are preconditions for interactive integration. Identificational integration It is not possible to participate in a host societys core institutions without having first acquired the cultural competencies by which these institutions function. It is, however, possible to participate without identifying with the goals of these institutions and without having developed a feeling of belonging to the host society. This feeling of belonging may develop later in the integration process develop as a result of participation and acceptance. Inclusion in a new society on the subjective level identificational integration is indicated by feelings of belonging to, and identification with, groups, particularly in ethnic, regional, local and/or national identification (Bosswick and Heckmann 2006). Assimilation versus Integration The conceptual dissection between assimilation and integration is controversial among sociologists in the analysis of minority groups and immigrant practices and interactions with their new societal setting. Some of them prefer integration, while others assimilation and some use the terms interchangeably to express the different aspects of the process. Park and E.W. Burgess (1969) provided an early definition of assimilation, which showed assimilation as the one-way process: a process of interpenetration and fusion in which persons and groups acquire the memories, sentiments, and attitudes of other persons and groups and, by sharing their experience and history, are incorporated with them in a common cultural life (Alba and Nee, 1997:827-28). The classical assimilation framework implies that the various dimensions of assimilation -socioeconomic, social, cultural, and spatial assimilation are interconnected (South et al.,2005). The Socioeconomic assimilation as showed by high levels of education, income, and wealth is hypothesized to enhance immigrants mobility neighbourhoods. Social (or,Gordons terminology, structural) assimilation is also likely to increase immigrants prospects for spatial assimilation with the majority. Cultural assimilation (or, acculturation) indicates ethnic minorities adoption of the cultural practices and norms of the majority and the degree to which minority group members identify with the host society. Spatial assimilation is expected to influence immigrants geographic mobility into neighbourhood with the mainstream population (South et al., 2005). Therefore, assimilation means replacing ones previous identity with that of the host society. Whereas integration is refers to the capacity to acces s aspects of the dominant culture, while simultaneously retaining an ethnic identity. Kritz and his colleagues have defined these concepts by corresponding to the two fundamental dimensions of societal systems: structural and cultural. Integration refers to participation in the structure of a societal system and measured as the degree to which a system unit occupies positions on structurally relevant status lines. Whereas, assimilation is defined as participation in the culture of a societal system and measured as a degree to which a system unit occupies positions on culturally relevant status lines (Kritz 1981:80). Assimilation has also to be distinguished from acculturation, which is defined as cultural change resulting from direct contact between two cultural groups. It is unlikely to the accultured individual to completely ignore his/her ethnic identity, but adopts some elements of the immigration system (Ibid, 81). In international migration, it is more likely for the immigrants eventually to come to terms with the question of whether or not they and their families maintain the language and culture of their home country or adjust to the culture and language of the host country. With succeeding generations, assimilation to the new country becomes dominant, but the conflicts are most difficult for the first generation migrants (Glazier and De Rosa, 1986:314). The first generation immigrants usually compromise and hesitate, which makes it difficult to relate to the new environment. If immigrants/minority groups have never expected of such prior to their migration, the outcomes to the crisis become rather strong, painful, and intense (Ibid, 305). Immigrants and social groups develop about four strategies in terms of two major issues: cultural maintenance versus cultural contact. The question is whether to remain primarily among their original culture and community or to get involved in the host society, and several possible strategies exist (Kritz, 1981 Mesch, 2002). 2.3. Multiculturalism In the cultural and political arena multiculturalism can be described as the coexistence of a range of different cultural experiences within a group or society. It is often used as being synonymous with `cultural pluralism, resulting in a certain amount of theoretical and conceptual confusion. More recently, the trend in literature has been to use similar terms, such as interculturalism and `trans-culturalism, with far more precise meanings (Bolaffi et al. 2003). According to the International Organisation for Migration, a multi-cultural society aims to allow diversity, equal rights and equal opportunities to migrants and minority groups, at the same time allowing them to keep a cultural affiliation to their country of origin.Ã [1]Ã Multiculturalism rejects the simple integration process proposed by assimilation theory. Scholars from this perspective view multicultural societies as composed of a heterogeneous collection of ethnic and racial minority groups, as well as of a dominant majority group. This view has been forcefully illustrated in the context of the American society. Most scholars argue that immigrants actively shape their own identities rather than posing as passive subjects in front of the forces of assimilation and also emphasize that some aspects of the cultural characteristics of immigrants may be preserved in a state of un-easy co-existence with the attitudes of the host country. The multicultural perspective offers then an alternative way of considering the host society, presenting members of ethnic minority groups as active integral segments of the whole society rather than just foreigners or outsiders. With large-scale immigration into Europe, multiculturalism has become a major topic of political and intellectual discourse. The terms multiculturalism and multicultural society have been advocated as concepts that could help clarify the confusing picture of European immigration and integration, both in a descriptive-analytical and in a politico normative sense (Bosswick and Heckmann 2006). Main variables to evaluate the integration process In order to evaluate the Integration of German Sinti and Roma minority group in Germany we took the different variables presented by EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020. In sociology and other social sciences Social integration requires proficiency in an accepted common language of the society, acceptance of the laws of the society and adoption of a common set of values of the society. It does not require assimilation and it does not require persons to give up all of their culture, but it may require forgoing some aspects of their culture which are inconsistent with the laws and values of the society. In tolerant and open societies, members of minority groups can often use social integration to gain full access to the opportunities, rights and services available to the members of the mainstream of society. Social integration is inextricably linked to broad-based participation. This entails the participation of all social groups in the process of policy development, as well as in the benefits of economic growth and social progress. Social integration strives to facilitate the emergence of a cohesive and equitable society for all through the inclusion of all people in social, economic and political decision-making and development. As such, social integration is considered both a goal and a process. It is a multidimensional concept that embraces socio-economic and political objectives and strategies. There are different variables to evaluate the integration of minority groups such as ethnic minorities refugees and underprivileged sections of a society into the mainstream of societies. According to the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020 there are four main variables to evaluate the integration process of minority groups and immigrants in the host community. The framework uses four main policy indicators to measure integration. In Its latest report, in (2010), measured how well policies relating to integration in labour market access, family reunion, long-term residence, political participation, access to nationality and anti-discrimination helped promote integration. Overall, each policy area was found to be only halfway to best practice. The EU integration policy commonly includes work, education, housing, health service, social inclusion and active citizens to measure the successful integration of minority groups in the mainstream society. Generally, In order to create a fertile ground for social inclusion Policies and strategies that promote the social, economic and cultural inclusion of migrants/minority groups within existing legal frameworks in the host countries needed. Minority groups need to have a chance to fully engage with their host society from a socioeconomic, political, and cultural perspective. *Access to education, employment, housing, health Care, are the major variables in EU framework to evaluate the integration process.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Muhammed Ali Essay example -- Biography Biographies Cassius Clay
Muhammed Ali à à à à à In some peopleââ¬â¢s eyes Muhammed Ali is the greatest boxer ever. He was even classified as the greatest athlete in the 20th century by Sports Illustrated. He was the first to win the heavyweight title three times. He was a worldwide entertainer, and millions of people enjoyed watching his style. He was also very controversial because of his religious beliefs, his name change from Cassius Clay to Muhammed Ali and his refusal to fight in the Vietnam War. Muhammed Ali grew up in Louisville, Kentucky but he was known as Cassius Clay. He lived a normal life until the age of twelve when his bicycle was stolen during a local convention of the Louisville Service Club. Clay wanted to report the crime and went to find a police officer. He found Joe Martin, an officer and a boxing coach at the Columbia Gym . Clay told Martin ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m going to whip the person who stole my bike.â⬠Martin then proceeded to tell Clay that if he wanted to do that he should come to the gym and learn how to fight properly. Clay was a small man when he started boxing as an amateur; he weighed only eighty-nine pounds. Clay would soon become the man to see at the Columbia Gym. Joe Martinââ¬â¢s wife said that Clay was an overall nice guy. He was polite and always did what he was asked to do. He carried his Bible with him all the time, read when he could, and loved it. Throughout his amateur career and high school, Clay worked at the Nazareth College Lib rary. Clay also was viewed as a kid obsessed with boxing. Clay got bigger and stronger as his talents grew. Sometimes, to keep in shape, Clay would race the city buses to school. Bettie Johnson, a school counselor said ââ¬Å"Clay wasnââ¬â¢t a good student, and if he had not been a boxer, he would not have stood out in any way but he went to school like he was supposed to.â⬠Clay never had any problems with his attitude in school, but as a senior he wrote a paper about Black Muslims. Clayââ¬â¢s paper was controversial because his teacher was a conforming Christian and his ideas about separatism and blacks being super-assertive scared her. The teacher wasnââ¬â¢t going to pass Clay, but the principal said ââ¬Å"the boy will not fail, because heââ¬â¢s going to be an outstanding boxer.â⬠Clay was becoming a boxing phenomenon; the first newspaper article about him was published on October 27, 1957. By then Clay had been boxing for 3 years and was clearly the number on... who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.â⬠Since throwing his gold medal away in Rome, Ali had been gaining fame ever since. After retiring from boxing Ali has been doing charity work for his community in Louisville. In 1986, he was presented with the Ellis Island Medal of Honor for his lifetime achievements in promoting peace, unity, for his charitable donations and for sports. Ali is now the most recognized athlete throughout the world, and he was given the opportunity to light the Olympic flame at the 1996 summer Olympics in Atlanta. Also during those Olympics, Ali was given an exact replica of the gold medal he threw away many years ago. Muhammed Ali now has Parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease, and is battling the disease every step of the way. He was appointed the spokesman for the National Parkinsonââ¬â¢s Foundation where he brings pride, hope, and faith to others who also battle the disease. à à à à à Boxing fans now regard Muhammed Ali as a genuine artist of the sport and a legendary hero. Ali revitalized the sport and is known for more than just his boxing accomplishments. Muhammed Ali has changed forever what we expect a champion to be.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Academy Award for Best Actor and Legal Issues Essay
At the end of these instructions is a list of just a few of the hundreds of law-related movies that are available on the market. You are free to use any law-related movie you like (with TWO EXCEPTIONS ââ¬â Double Jeopardy is NOT acceptable, because Hollywood got the legal issue completely wrong; and A Few Good Men is limited to military law, so not really helpful for the general population). (up to 50 points) PRINT YOUR NAME: _________________________ NAME OF MOVIE: _________________________ YEAR OF RELEASE: _________________________ DIRECTOR: _________________________ MAIN ACTORS/ACTRESSES: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ A. Describe in a page the FACTS of the case the movie is about. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ B Describe two significant legal ISSUES that this movie brought up. (Remember that FACTS are not the same as legal ISSUES. For example, in the movie THE ACCUSED, the character played by Jodie Foster is raped in a tavern. That is one of the FACTS of the case. One of the legal ISSUES was the use of PLEA BARGAIN ââ¬â the prosecutor was willing to let the rapists ââ¬Å"plea bargainâ⬠to lesser crimes.) ISSUE #1________________________________________________________ ISSUE #2________________________________________________________ C. Take either ISSUE #1 or ISSUE #2, and look up in a book in the NSCC library (or any other library or law library), or a legal web-site, as a reference that gives you greater understanding of this issue, so that you can describe the general rule of law about this issue, and any significant exceptions. Title of Book used for reference:______________________________________ or Website citation: ___________________________________ Author of Book:___________________________________________________ Copyright year:_____________(be sure to use as current a source as possible!) D. Describe in your own words what you think the general rule of law is about this particular ISSUE (and significant exceptions), and why you think the general rule makes sense (or doesnââ¬â¢t!). ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (on the following pages I have put a short list of some of the many law-related movies that you may want to look at ââ¬â but you do not have to stick to this list!) Some suggestions for LAW-RELATED MOVIES TO WATCH & REVIEW Some of the newer films may be available through Blockbuster or one of the other major video rental outlets. For the older classics, you may have to look at one of the ââ¬Å"specialtyâ⬠rental shops like Video Isle (top of Queen Anne Hill or on Fremont just South of 45th) or Scarecrow Video (5030 Roosevelt Way NE in the U District). 1. ORIGINAL INTENT (1991); with Kris Kristofferson, Candy Clark, Jay Richardson, Martin Sheen. Eviction of a homeless shelter. Landlord/Tenant issues. 2. THE ACCUSED (1988); with Jodie Foster & Kelly McGillis. True story of a Massachusetts gang-rape case and follow-up case. Issues regarding admission of evidence, criminal prosecutions, victimââ¬â¢s rights. 3. THE VERDICT (1982); with Paul Newman, James Mason and Charlotte Rampling. Alcoholic lawyer takes on a malpractice case. Possible unethical actions by attorneys on both sides of the case! 4. ADAMââ¬â¢S RIB (1949); with Spencer Tracy & Katherine Hepburn. Husband and wife lawyers, on opposing sides of the same case. Classic comedy with good discussions of several legal issues. 5. INHERIT THE WIND (1960); with Spencer Tracy & Fredric Marsh. Based on the famous Scopes ââ¬Å"monkey trial,â⬠with a biology teacher on trial for daring to teach the theory of evolution. A classic trial!! 6. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD (1962); with Gregory Peck and Mary Badham. Small town Southern lawyer defends a black man accused of rape in pre-Civil Rights era. Attorney-client obligations, criminal trial issues. Somewhat outdated, but a classic nonetheless. 7. YOUNG MR. LINCOLN (1939); with Henry Fonda (havenââ¬â¢t seen this one yet). 8. TWELVE ANGRY MEN (1957); with Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, E.G. Marshall & Jack Klugman. CLASSIC jury film; intense jury dispute; how a jury evaluates a case. This is the Original! There is a recent (1998 I think) version also with Keanu Reeves, but I donââ¬â¢t know how it compares. 9. THE TRIAL (1963); with Orson Welles, Anthony Perkins, Jeanne Moreau and Romy Schneider. Man arrested for an unexplained crime he is never told about! 10. STATEââ¬â¢S ATTORNEY (1932); with John Barrymore (havenââ¬â¢t seen this one yet). 11. SERGEANT RYKER (1968); with Lee Marvin, Vera Miles & Peter Graves. Court Martial of soldier accused of treason. 12. PERFECT WITNESS (1989); with Brian Dennehy, Aidan Quinn, Stockard Channing & Lara Harrington. Witness to mob murder put in jail for perjury ââ¬â social responsibility issues. 13. THE PAPER CHASE (1973); with Timothy Bottoms, John Houseman and Lindsay Wagner. Law studentââ¬â¢s first year at Harvard Law School (mainly in contracts class). 14. L.A. LAW (1987); with Harry Hamlin, Susan Dey, Corbin Bernsen. Introduced the TV series of the same name. 15. KRAMER VS. KRAMER (1979); with Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep. Divorce and child custody issues. 16. JUDGMENT AT NUREMBERG (1961); with Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Maximilian Schell, Richard Widmark, Marlene Dietrich and Judy Garland! Nazi war crimes trial. 17. SHOOT FROM THE HIP (havenââ¬â¢t seen yet ââ¬â canââ¬â¢t comment). 18. MY COUSIN VINNY; fairly recent comedy with a newly-licensed attorney representing a family member wrongly accused of murder. It touches on a few serious legal issues regarding preparation for trial, even with the comedy. 19. ABSENCE OF MALICE (1981); with Paul Newman and Sally Field. Freedom of the press and defamation of character. 20. SUSPECT (1987); with Cher and Dennis Quaid. Jury tampering, collusion, bribery of a government official. 21. LOSING ISAIAH (1995); with Jessica Lange, Halle Berry, Samuel L. Jackson. Interracial adoption, child custody rights of biological parents. 22. MURDER IN THE FIRST (1995); with Kevin Bacon, Gary Oldham, Christian Slater. Cruel and unusual punishment in the Alcatraz prison; jury ââ¬Å"nullification,â⬠federal jurisdiction. 23. JUST CAUSE (1995); with Sean Connery, Blair Underwood, Laurence Fishburne; Kate Capshaw, Ed Harris. Coercion of a confession; murder, venue, Pro Bono Publico representation, conflict of interest. These are just a few of the hundreds of law-related movies out there. If you find other good ââ¬Å"law-relatedâ⬠movies not listed above you think would be appropriate, let me know and weââ¬â¢ll add it to this list!!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Lifes rocky start essays
Life's rocky start essays Lifes Rocky Start is an intriguing piece about the role that rocks played in the beginning of life on a once uninhabited earth. The article was written by Robert Hazen and was featured in the April 2001 edition of Scientific American. He has been a part of a highly trained team of specialists at Carnegie Institution of Washingtons Geophysical Laboratory in Washington, D.C. since 1976. This institution is a private, nonprofit organization involved in basic research and advanced education in the earth sciences. It is a world-renowned laboratory that has led the way in petrology and research for earth science. Over the years, Robert Hazen and his team of experts have conducted many experiments regarding the relationship between the start of life on this planet and rocks. Most of their knowledge can be attributed to the findings of earlier scientists such as Stanley L. Miller. Miller performed many experiments trying to connect minerals with ocean temperatures and the atmosphere. In 1998, with these findings, Hazen and his team started an experiment of their own and took place in the Carnegie laboratory. To help their idea that minerals might have sheltered the ingredients of life, an experiment was conducted in which the amino acid leucine broke down within a matter of minutes in pressurized water at 200 degrees Celsius. But once the iron sulfide was added to the mix, the amino acid stayed together for days. This next experiment conducted in the Spring of 2000 was much more intricate compared to the first one. After they came across the mineral, calcite; a common mineral that forms marble and limestone because it presents brilliant pairs of mirror image faces, they had also discovered that the chemical structure of calcite allowed mollusk shells to strongly bond with amino acids. This set off the need for an experiment regarding these calcite surfaces. Their hypothesis became that calcite surfa...
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